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Social Studies: Modern Revolutions

This guide provides resources to help you search for information on Social Studies topics.

Integrated Studies 8: Modern Revolutions and Movements

This LibGuide will provide you with resources and links to help with your modern revolutions research. Start your research by typing the event into one of the research databases in the left hand column.

Here is a list of some modern day revolutions and movements:

  • Arab Spring
  • Gandhi and the Indian Independence
  • Hong Kong
  • Iraq (October Revolution)
  • Tiananmen Square
  • Chinese Communist Revolution
  • Syria
  • Women's Movement
  • Farm Workers and Union Labor Movement
  • Women's Movement
  • African American Civil Rights Movement
  • Black Lives Matter
  • South Africa (Apartheid)
  • Ukraine
  • Cuban Revolution 1953-1959
  • Cuban protests 2021
  • Iranian Revolution
  • Lebanon (October Revolution)
  • Eastern Europe 1989 (Velvet Revolution, Berlin Wall, East Germany, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, Czechoslovakia)
  • Northern Ireland (The Troubles 1968-1998)
  • Climate Change
  • Myanmar
  • Haitian protests 2018-2021

If you are using a Badgerlink research database and get the Whoops page, then click here for directions.

Research Databases
